Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is the Power Elite Model and you believe that the American political institutions are controlled by the r

I'm a USAF Vet, and I'm a certified school teacher, and what's more, I was working part-time as a commercial loan officer. In my past experiences, I have found that ABSOLUTELY, the government is controlled by only a few very rich and very powerful people, ( who aren't even living all in one country). I'm sure you know the old adage that only 3% of the world popluation owns 90% of the wealth!

What this translates into is an elite group of people who have the money and power to maintain their status quo.

As a loan officer, I've worked directly with representatives of some very rich men. These guys are typically in charge of multi-billion dollar hedgefunds and other pooled investment vehicles, but even those people are NOT controlling the government and therefore are not really controlling the market. Even wealthy hedgefund managers are at the mercy of the ebb and flow of the stock market and are feeling the effects of the damaged housing market.

BUT LET ME TELL YOU, there are those in this world who are completely uneffected by the global housing fiasco and uneffected by the credit crisis. And it would be very childish to think for one second that those people are not doing everyting in their financial powers to maintain their sweet positions.

Something that I often think about is Occam's Razor, which is the philosophical statement- 'the simplet answer is the right answer' (in short)What is the Power Elite Model and you believe that the American political institutions are controlled by the r
Power Elite Model? Kinda sounds like a Mercedes-Benz marketing slogan, doesn't it?

Sorry I can't help as I skipped college so that I could begin working ASAP and retire by 45; so, I just never learned all that left-wing stuff.What is the Power Elite Model and you believe that the American political institutions are controlled by the r
How you dare to ask this question when the power elite is bent on destroying it self never mind the American Public.

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